Latinas Welding Guild

Latinas Welding Guild

CREATING A DIVERSE PIPELINE OF SKILLED WELDERS (Winter 2025). The welding industry is experiencing a significant workforce shortage, with a notable lack of diversity. Nationally, only 5.3% of welders are women. In Indiana, the demand for skilled welders is projected to grow by 9% from 2020 to 2030, with an anticipated 1,920 job openings annually. Despite these opportunities, the field remains predominantly male, highlighting the need for initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion.

Latinas Welding Guild (LWG) is addressing this disparity by providing accessible welding education and workforce development programs tailored for women and underserved communities in Indiana. LWG’s efforts aim to bridge the gap between the growing demand for skilled welders and the underrepresentation of women in the industry.

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Indy Reads

Indy Reads

ADVANCING SOCIAL EQUITY THROUGH EDUCATION (Fall 2024). For more than 40 years, Indy Reads has been working towards its vision of 100% literacy for all. Each program year, Indy Reads serves more than 400 adult learners in its tuition-free High School Equivalency (HSE), English Language Learning (ELL), Literacy Foundations, and workforce certifications Community Classrooms. Indy Reads also operates a community bookstore in Fountain Square that hosts more than 250 events annually and makes the joy of reading accessible to all.

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Immigrant Legal Services Fund

Immigrant Legal Services Fund

CHANGING LIVES THROUGH IMMIGRANT LEGAL SERVICES (Summer 2023). The mission of the Indianapolis Immigrant Legal Services Fund is to provide equitable access to legal support and representation to immigrant Hoosiers in Marion County. In May 2021, the City-County Council of Indianapolis established the Indianapolis Immigrant Legal Services Fund in partnership with The Indianapolis Foundation, which administers and fundraises for the program that has amassed nearly $660,000 since its inception.

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Second Helpings

Second Helpings

TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH CULINARY JOB TRAINING PROGRAM (Winter 2023). For 25 years, Second Helpings in downtown Indianapolis has offered a Culinary Job Training program as part of its mission to transform lives through the power of food. This free, 7-week program is available to unemployed and underemployed adults in central Indiana. Each step in the program’s curriculum is designed to secure employment upon graduation. More than 975 students have graduated from this program since 1998.

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Horizon House

Horizon House

BUILDING FOUNDATIONS TO END HOMELESSNESS (Fall 2022). Horizon House is building the foundations to end homelessness by connecting individuals and families experiencing homelessness with an effective continuum of integrated, comprehensive services that help neighbors secure and sustain income and permanent housing. Services include: Basic Necessities like access to showers, laundry facilities and a place to receive mail; Case Management, including support geared to help those returning to the community from incarceration; Peer Support Services for people coping with mental health and/or substance abuse issues; Street Outreach to engage people who are unsheltered and connect them to housing services; Assessments for rental assistance and housing support services; Supportive Housing Services; and Job Readiness Training. R.I.S.E., Horizon House’s employment services program, helps neighbors Reach for Independence & Self-sufficiency through Employment by assessing employment skills, developing interview and job search skills, providing job leads, transportation assistance and job retention services.

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Indiana Youth Group

Indiana Youth Group

SAFER SPACES (Winter 2022). Creating safer spaces since 1987, the Indiana Youth Group (IYG) is the longest continually operating LGBTQ+ youth center in the nation. The organization currently serves LGBTQ+ young people ages 12-24, as well as their ally peers. General programming focuses on building self-confidence, self-expression and self-sufficiency while developing relationships within the community.

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Faith in Indiana

Faith in Indiana

BUILDING AN INDIANA THAT WELCOMES EVERYONE (Fall 2021). People with the courage and tenacity to move far from home to make a better life for their family are the ones who make our country the land of the free and the home of the brave. So when immigrants became the target of racist rhetoric, hate crimes and policies aimed at tearing families apart, Faith in Indiana sprang into action.

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Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Metropolitan Youth Orchestra

Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Metropolitan Youth Orchestra

FOSTERING A LEGACY OF IMPACT (Winter 2016).  In Indianapolis, The Clowes Fund’s support for the arts is limited to two legacy grants that honor our founding donors. One is the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, which exhibits the Clowes Collection of art, and the other is the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) on the merits of the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) program.

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