Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
HELPING HANDS (Fall 2019). The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic is a well-known and trusted organization based in Indianapolis that seeks justice for socioeconomically disadvantaged people. For 25 years, the Clinic has provided legal representation to foreign-born newcomers regarding their immigration status as well as other legal services for immigrants. The Clinic empowers those most affected by the complex U.S. immigration system.
Immigrants in Indianapolis face barriers to adjusting their immigration status, many of whom are at risk of family separation. The Clinic has 15 walk-in locations that address these barriers by offering free legal advice and information. Clients seek assistance with specific types of Visas, family petitions, asylum cases, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals renewals and citizenship, to name a few.
From 2018 to 2019, Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic served 763 immigrant clients through a combination of events; 143 clients sought assistance with deportations, and 79 clients received legal representation through its Immigrant Justice Program. There is still work to be done as only 42% of those who received representation indicated that they have better economic opportunities as a result of the Clinic’s work.
The Clinic is a reliable partner with the immigrant community and collaborates with other Clowes Fund grantees, including the Immigrant Welcome Center and Indiana Legal Services to serve the ever-growing demand for legal immigration services.
In the image, Pablo and his wife were separated for 12 years, but they were reunited this summer after the Clinic helped him apply for a U-Visa through the Victim Justice Program.
Clowes Fund Field(s) of Interest: Immigrant Services