After receiving an invitation following an Introductory Application or staff guidance following a Continuation Grant Statement of Intent, you may submit a Final Application via GOapply—due February 1.
An invited Final Application consists of:

An Application submitted online via GOapply.
A Final Application Narrative (PDF attachment to online GOapply application) addressing these narrative questions.
An Organization Budget for current fiscal year (PDF attachment to online GOapply application). Budget should include both income and expenses. Also, make sure the budget figures match what you entered on the online GOapply application. Post grant, you will be required to submit financial statements for the grant period.
If you requested funding for a program or capital project at the suggestion of a Program Officer, you will also attach a detailed Project/Program Budget.A Board Roster that includes relevant lived experience or professional affiliations (PDF attachment to online GOapply application).
Most recent Audited Financial Statements (PDF attachment to online GOapply application). If your organization does not have an audit, attach the following board-approved items for the last completed fiscal year: (1) a statement of financial position (aka balance sheet); (2) a statement of activities (aka profit and loss statement).
Most recently filed 990, 990-EZ or 990-N Return (PDF attachment to online GOapply application).