SEPTEMBER: Any changes to grant guidelines posted on Clowes Fund website, and GOapply portal opens. Previously funded organizations must submit a Continuation Grant Statement of Intent by November 1, but they are welcome to contact staff in early fall to discuss a new proposal.
NOVEMBER 1: Introductory Applications or Continuation Grant Statements of Intent due online via GOapply; receipt is auto-acknowledged; evaluation begins.
MID-DECEMBER: Fund staff will email either an invitation (with detailed guidance, if applicable) to submit a Final Application or a decline notification to the Primary Grant Contact and CEO/ED.
JANUARY: Fund staff available to review draft narratives for Final Applications.
FEBRUARY 1: Final Applications due online via GOapply; receipt is auto-acknowledged; evaluation begins. Fund staff may choose to schedule a meeting or site visit to discuss the proposal.
MARCH/APRIL: Indiana and New England grants review committees convene. The committees may decline proposals, award certain grants, or forward proposals to the full board.
JUNE: Board convenes and makes final grant decisions.
BY JULY 1: Funding decisions communicated; grant agreements issued.
AUGUST: Grant Reports are due one year and 30 days after the close of the grant period. Though the most common deadline is August 1, refer to the date stated in your grant agreement.