Fathers and Families Center
EXEMPLARY FATHERHOOD PRACTITIONERS (Fall 2019). For 25 years, the Fathers and Families Center has delivered exceptional programs and services that dovetail with the Fund’s workforce development funding priority. More than 20,000 fathers of all ages, many with prior criminal convictions, as well as their families, mostly from impoverished African American neighborhoods, have benefited from job readiness, training and employment services, as well as workshops that teach parenting, relationship and co-parenting skills.
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC) recently visited the Indianapolis-based Fathers and Families Center, including the Strong Fathers class, which the Fund supported. According to the NRFC:
“The main program component is the 3-week Strong Fathers class, which begins with a focus on parenting and life skills, then weaves in job readiness and relationship skills, and sets the stage for longer term education and training classes designed to increase skills and expand employment opportunities. During the 3-week class, fathers attend sessions every day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and receive a free lunch, which is provided by Second Helpings [also a Fund grantee]. To encourage participation, all participants receive a small weekly stipend, along with transportation assistance such as bus passes or gas cards if needed. They can also request financial assistance for barrier removal or other emergencies.”
The Fund joins the NRFC in spotlighting and celebrating the ongoing efforts of the Center!
In the image, DeAngelo, pictured here at his job, is a Fathers and Families Center participant.
Clowes Fund Field(s) of Interest: Workforce Development