Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Metropolitan Youth Orchestra
FOSTERING A LEGACY OF IMPACT (Winter 2016). In Indianapolis, The Clowes Fund’s support for the arts is limited to two legacy grants that honor our founding donors. One is the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, which exhibits the Clowes Collection of art, and the other is the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) on the merits of the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) program.
The Fund’s founder Dr. George H.A. Clowes served on the ISO board during its infancy. As president, he was an ardent fundraiser for the cause. MYO aligns with the Fund’s current interests in social justice and equity, in this case, music education for low income urban students and their families. MYO is intentional about caring for the whole student. From engaging parents as active side-by-side participants in the learning process, to mentorship and college readiness components, MYO’s vision sees far beyond music education. MYO gives students the opportunity to gain the skills and confidence to move forward into economic stability.
FOOTNOTE: Shortly before his untimely death Dr. Alexander Whitehill Clowes wrote a book about his grandparents titled The Doc and the Duchess: The Life and Legacy of George H. A. Clowes. Alec followed in his grandfather’s footsteps by serving as president of The Clowes Fund as well as on the board of Seattle Symphony Orchestra. The book is available through the publisher, Indiana University Press, and Amazon; all proceeds benefit The Clowes Fund's charitable grantmaking program.
In the image, an MYO teacher and student share a special moment.
Clowes Fund Field(s) of Interest: Legacy