Horizon House
BUILDING FOUNDATIONS TO END HOMELESSNESS (Fall 2022). Horizon House is building the foundations to end homelessness by connecting individuals and families experiencing homelessness with an effective continuum of integrated, comprehensive services that help neighbors secure and sustain income and permanent housing. Services include: Basic Necessities like access to showers, laundry facilities and a place to receive mail; Case Management, including support geared to help those returning to the community from incarceration; Peer Support Services for people coping with mental health and/or substance abuse issues; Street Outreach to engage people who are unsheltered and connect them to housing services; Assessments for rental assistance and housing support services; Supportive Housing Services; and Job Readiness Training. R.I.S.E., Horizon House’s employment services program, helps neighbors Reach for Independence & Self-sufficiency through Employment by assessing employment skills, developing interview and job search skills, providing job leads, transportation assistance and job retention services.
Horizon House’s successful Permanent Supportive Housing program serves some of the most vulnerable members of its community, including individuals and families struggling with chronic illness, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance use disorders who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. With housing retention rates above the national average, this program demonstrates that intensive supportive services combined with housing assistance is an effective strategy for reducing chronic homelessness as well as the hopelessness that often accompanies it.
Since 1988, the mission of Horizon House has been to meet basic needs of persons experiencing homelessness in Indianapolis, and has since expanded its vision to serve as Central Indiana’s champion, expert and trusted leader in placing chronically homeless neighbors into permanent, safe, supportive housing so they can thrive. Horizon House operates on the belief that it is the right of all human beings to have their basic need for food, clothing, shelter and personal safety met in a dignified, humane and caring manner. Highly valuing diversity and inclusivity, Horizon House seeks to reach beyond stereotypes and cultivate trust by treating each neighbor experiencing homelessness holistically with dignity, hospitality and respect.
Horizon House empowers individuals to achieve and sustain greater stability in their lives by:
Providing HELP: meeting neighbors where they are and inviting them to engage in services;
Inspiring HOPE: offering integrated, comprehensive services to restore hope and reduce or eliminate barriers for neighbors;
Finding HOME: facilitating access to affordable housing and supporting housing stability. Ultimately, the community at-large also benefits from this essential work.
In the image, Horizon House’s Employment Coordinator assists a R.I.S.E. participant with an online job application.
Clowes Fund Field(s) of Interest: Workforce (Youth) Development